
I know of no better resource to bring us together, to help us understand and love one another.

Dr. John M. Perkins


Multiethnic Conversations

An 8-week journey toward unity in your church.

This powerful resource is a proven catalyst to help transform the minds, attitudes, and actions of people in your local church, and lead them to enthusiastically embrace one another in the midst of cultural change. Structured around eight weeks of daily readings and thought-provoking questions, this attractive and accessible workbook is a Christ-centered, biblically accurate guide that facilitates authentic personal exploration and small group discussion of race, class, and culture. As the centerpiece tool of the Mosaix Global Network, this book brings diverse people together beyond the distinctions of this world that so often and otherwise divide. It all begins with a conversation.

The first daily devotional and small group study on multiethnic life and church for people in the pews

What It Is

  • An 8-week daily devotional
  • A small group study curriculum for the entire church, young and older adults alike
  • The basis of an 8-week sermon series by pastors
  • A pre-launch curriculum for multiethnic church planters seeking to equip and establish their initial core groups
  • Part of a church membership class and/or as a required eight-week small group study for all new members
  • A curriculum for leadership development
  • A requirement for undergraduate or graduate courses focused on cross-cultural competence, social justice, church planting, growth or development, church leadership, missions, etc. to establish a healthy multiethnic and economically diverse church

How To Use

7 daily readings (of no more than 250 words) are provided over 8 weeks (total of 56) to stimulate personal and missional formation focused on Theology, History, Considerations, Relationships, Communication, Competence, and Biblical Reflection. In the book itself, which doubles as a journal, you'll respond to 2-3 questions at the end of each reading. Your responses become the basis for small group discussion at the end of each week.

Bonus: Download the Leaders Guide for Free!

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